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Auto-routing along Canal Towpaths (UK) 3 212 Thanks, have made some changes as you suggested!...
Rounding option for distance 2 1002 Thanks for the suggestion. We've added it to our Feature Requests list (number 97) where ...
fix undo 4 222 Excellent, I'll try it out soon. Thanks!...
Search for a location by polar coordinates. 3 204 HI,Thanks for your reply.I am sorry. I did realise that after I posted. I then went back...
expand diameter of "plot radius map" 2 193 We're keeping the limits for radius maps under review, as this is a very new feature, how...
Route creation on kml/kmz-map to import to Plotaroute 3 2852 Probably expecting of suggesting a feature as shown here ? See the you tube video in the ...
Manage My Routes - Button 3 207 Thanks. I had not discovered that one. I had wrongly assumed that it was simply another...
Note 2 230 Hi Fred - you can add comments about a route on the View Route page....
Export anchor points to devices 2 279 Sorry, anchor points are an internal editing feature for the route planner, so can't be e...
USFS Snow Depth overlay 2 228 Thanks for the suggestion Todd....
Display of multiple routes on one map. 5 571 Thanks for this feedback Paul....
Implement Garmin Route Synch 5 305 It looks like you may be right about the new API not accepting turn-by-turn instructions ...
Auto plot function - choices 2 263 Thanks for the suggesitons Peder. Unfortunately this isn't an easy things for us to do, b...
Don't hide some UI elements when the Streetview panel is open 3 235 From the ActionList mostly I use `hills` and `directions` options but since we have short...
Click on route to set streetview point 2 244 Thanks for these suggestions Paul...
Please do not limit the length of passwords to 14 1 206 As a cybersecurity professional, I can tell you that password length is the #1 way to mak...
Geofencing or a circle of as the crow flies distance from start 2 245 Thanks for this suggestion Tim and for your kind comments about the website. Coincidental...
Provide more space for 'Creators Notes' and make these HTML 19 2224 Nice, really nice. And such a fast realisation ! Wow..I added a Garmin (tcx) coursepoint...
My position on the map 6 1815 ik heb een roete gemaakt maar ik kan niet op gps mio zetenwie kan me helpen...
Option for compass overlay on map. 4 1038 Sorry, no, it's still on the list....
Turn by turn audio navigation 6 1474 @ dan swift You can install Bike Tracker PC Ability on an Android phone to guide you. ...
Help me run where I haven't run before 2 219 Thanks for the suggestion Wes. I think that sort of integration would be tricky to develo...
Export or Save as PDF 2 252 You can print a route in PDF format by selecting PRINT from the menu above the map on the...
Image Capture Date from Street View 3 236 Thanks...
Email a bit too easy to change? 2 271 Thanks for this suggestion....