Our Road Bikeable map layer (available to Premium members) highlights surfaces that are likely to be suitable for road/racing bikes using a grey overlay on top of the selected base map in the route planner. You can use it to help work out which route to take when planning a new route for a bike that doesn't have off-road tyres.
The Road Bikeable map layer has been uniquely developed for plotaroute.com using data from the OpenStreetMap project based on known surfaces and access restrictions of roads and paths. If you know of a road or path that is suitable for a road bike but is not shown on the Road Bikeable map layer, you can update the attributes for this road or path yourself using the OpenStreetMap editor. Any updates you make should normally appear on the Road Bikeable layer on plotaroute.com within 7 days.
To update the Road Bikeable map layer follow these instructions:
We have a number of video tutorials demonstrating how to use key features on the site.